Cat Behavior


Tortoiseshell Cat Breed: Info, Pictures, Care & Facts

It’s hard not to notice a tortoiseshell cat. Their appearance is striking, with their uniquely colored fur. No two felines are the same, and genetics control the variations. The vast majority are also female, adding to their mystique. The pattern is more prevalent in some breeds, but the tortoiseshell is not a breed; it merely […]

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sad calico cat with third eyelid

How Long Do Cats Mourn the Loss of Another Cat? Feline Grieving Explained

It’s so silly for humans to think we’re the only ones with emotions. Not only can our cats experience a broad spectrum of emotions that humans share, but they also live entirely complicated lives that we don’t understand. When it comes to a cat losing another cat, is there a grief process? Do they miss

How Long Do Cats Mourn the Loss of Another Cat? Feline Grieving Explained Read More »


Why Is My Cat Clingy When I’m On My Period? Interesting Facts & Info

Stomach cramps, bloating, and feelings of nausea and irritability. These are all common signs associated with being on your period. But, one sign that some owners are all too acutely aware of, but other women may not recognize, is having their cat become extra clingy. For some, the comfort and warmth can be beneficial, but

Why Is My Cat Clingy When I’m On My Period? Interesting Facts & Info Read More »

cat pooping in the litter box

Why Does My Cat Play With Poop? 6 Possible Vet-Reviewed Reasons for This Behavior

Typically, cats are very clean animals. They groom themselves regularly and they have quite specific demands when it comes to litter trays. Despite this, cats can develop some odd habits that seem dirty to us humans. One such habit is playing with their poop. Although most common in kittens, some adult cats might also develop

Why Does My Cat Play With Poop? 6 Possible Vet-Reviewed Reasons for This Behavior Read More »

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