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Knowing that Tabby is a color pattern and not a breed, many cat owners ask, “What breed is my Tabby?” Below, we’ll discuss the methods you can use to figure it out!
The 5 Most Common Tabby Coat Patterns

Before determining what breed of cat your Tabby is, it’s helpful to know about the Tabby patterns. There are five of them, including:
1. Classic
Often called a “blotched” Tabby, the classic pattern consists of whorls resembling targets. And, of course, most Tabbies have the unmistakable “M” marking on their forehead.

2. Mackerel
Rings on their legs and tails, plus stripes covering the rest of the cat’s body, are the signs of a mackerel Tabby.
3. Patched
This Tabby type, often called tortoiseshell, is made when a cat has patches of red and orange along with the Tabby pattern.

4. Spotted
Various sizes and bands of spots identify this type of Tabby. Some can be broken, making the spotted Tabby look similar to the mackerel Tabby.
5. Ticked
A lack of noticeable bands and stripes set this Tabby type apart, but you can still see bands of light and dark coloring on their hair, called “ticking.”

How to Tell Your Breed of Tabby Cat
As we’ve seen, many breeds can be Tabby cats. The methods you can use to determine the breed of your cat look beyond the Tabby pattern and focus on other traits seen in particular breeds.
1. Your Cat’s Size
Size is one of the easiest ways to determine the breed of cat. That’s because there are only three main sizes of cats, including dwarf, medium, and large. If your Tabby is exceptionally small, they might be a Balinese or Singapura. Medium-sized Tabbies can be Abyssinian, Oriental, and several others. If your Tabby is large, they could be a Maine Coon, Savannah, or Siberian cat.
2. The Length of Your Cat’s Fur
There are four types of cat hair: long, short, curly, and hairless. Surprisingly, a Sphinx cat, which is hairless, can still be a Tabby cat since the markings that make a cat a Tabby will be seen on their skin!
A Persian, Ragdoll, or Himalayan can also be a Tabby. The American Shorthair cat tells you the length of their coat in their name and can be a Tabby cat, and the Abyssinian can also be a Tabby with medium-length hair.
3. The Shape of Your Cat’s Ears
Cats can possess three types of ear features: ear tufts, folded ears, and curled ears. The American Curl, not surprisingly, is one curled breed that can be a Tabby, and the Scottish Fold, with their folded ears, can also have the Tabby pattern. If your Tabby cat has tufted ears, they could be a Maine Coon, Ragdoll, or American Lynx, among others.

4. The Shape of Your Cat’s Face
Although this method of determining the breed of your Tabby cat isn’t the easiest, it can provide clues. This is especially true if your Tabby cat has a flat face, like a Persian, or a narrow face, like a Cornish Rex.
5. The Length of Your Cat’s Tail
Another method of determining your Tabby’s breed is to look at their tail, but, like the shape of a cat’s face, this one is also rather difficult. The American Bobtail cat can be a Tabby, and the Manx with their short tail can also be. Besides the length, however, determining the breed of a cat by their tail alone isn’t the most accurate method as they all look similar.
6. Your Cat’s Manners and Character
Using your cat’s manners and character to tell their breed is probably the most challenging method. The reason is that, like people, all cats are unique individuals with unique mannerisms and characters. However, if your Tabby cat is shy and non-aggressive, they could be a Persian, Ragdoll, or British Shorthair. An affectionate Tabby that seeks out human contact could be a Korat or Devon Rex.

Are There Tools You Can Use to Determine a Tabby Cat’s Breed?
We’ve discussed visual markers to determine your Tabby’s breed, so let’s look at some tools you can use to do the same.
Several apps can help you determine your Tabby’s breed, including Cat Scanner.
You’ll find many quizzes online to help you determine your Tabby cat’s breed. You should note, however, that they aren’t scientific and rely primarily on anecdotal evidence.
DNA Testing
DNA testing is one of the best tools to determine your Tabby’s breed. Several companies perform the testing and let you know your cat’s breed and overall health.
Ask Your Veterinarian
One of the most accurate methods of determining your Tabby’s breed is asking your veterinarian. They have years of experience and training that can come in handy when you want to know your Tabby’s specific breed.
Final Thoughts
Almost all genetic lines of domesticated cats can come in the Tabby pattern, making it difficult to determine their exact breed. We hope the information in this article will help you determine your Tabby’s lineage and give you insight into their personality and heritage. Regardless of their breed, if you have a Tabby cat you adore, their breed might not matter to you. Best of luck discovering the breed of your beloved feline!
See also:
Featured Image Credit: Alex Zotov, Shutterstock