Cats love to sleep, and no kitty loves to sleep more than a newborn does! New kittens sleep most of the day away, being awake only for brief intervals to nurse. The youngest kittens sleep an average of roughly 22 hours a day, though that starts to decrease as they grow and become more active. In contrast, an adult cat sleeps up to 16 hours per day.
Kittens sleep 22 hours or so for their first 2 weeks, and around the third week, that starts to change. As their senses develop, kittens will want to engage with the world more often, but they still engage in many “power naps” throughout the day. These naps are interrupted for playtime, eating, and of course, learning the ways of the cat from their mothers.
If you’re as fascinated by cats and their sleep habits as we are, you’re in the right place! We have all the info that you might want to know about kittens, sleep, and how to help your kitty get a better night’s rest!
Why Do Kittens Need So Much Sleep?
Like baby humans, kittens are new to the world and need sleep to grow. More specifically, they feed during their fleeting awake times and promptly go back to sleep. That’s when their bodies do the magic of converting mother’s milk into muscles, bones, brain tissue, and all the stuff that makes a cat a cat. During this time, a kitten is cozied up to their mother and littermates, which keeps them warm while their body learns how to regulate their temperature.
Part of the reason kittens need so much sleep is because cats are predators. Many predators are born extremely helpless and need long periods of sleep to further their development before they can explore the world and learn how to hunt. For example, kittens are born blind and deaf and can only crawl a few centimeters (enough to find a teat from which to nurse). Conversely, the young of many prey animals are comparatively much more independent at birth. Some prey newborns are able to stand and run within minutes of being born!
During their time asleep, a kitten’s brain is busy not only growing neurons but also reinforcing everything they learn during their time awake. They know that their mother takes care of them by feeding and grooming them, which provides the foundation for socialization. They don’t know much else during these early days, but the comforting presence of the mother and littermates helps the kitten develop healthy attachments. When it all comes down to it, sleep is vital for both the kitten’s physical and emotional well-being.

Why Isn’t My Kitten Getting Enough Sleep?
Kittens that don’t get enough sleep can suffer a range of negative consequences, from a compromised immune system to excessive weight gain to noticeable anxiety or aggression. There are a lot of different reasons a young kitten isn’t getting enough sleep, so let’s check some off so you can deduce the cause of your kitten’s lack of sleep.
- Hunger: Kittens that are hungry will not be able to sleep well and will wake up earlier than anticipated.
- Cold: Kittens cannot regulate their temperature well when they’re born and often huddle with each other to keep warm whenever their mother leaves the nest. Even still, they’re susceptible to becoming too cold. This is more likely in single-kitten litters, and a cold kitten will not sleep or eat well.
- Displacement: Kittens that become displaced from their nest or mothers will not sleep and instead will produce a very distinct, high-pitched stress call.
- Illness: Kittens that are ill may not sleep well. However, this isn’t always the case. Some unwell kittens are too weak to wake up and feed and seem to be always sleeping and not putting on weight properly.
- Discomfort: Digestive discomfort is a very common reason for distress among kittens, particularly orphaned kittens. Up until they are around 3-4 weeks of age, kittens need to be assisted in order to relieve themselves. If you don’t do this, the pain might result in a kitten that’s constantly crying and not sleeping.
Is there anything better than a happy cat? We don’t think so—that’s where the Hepper Nest Bed comes in.
This product was designed with both your and your kitty's happiness in mind. While the comfortable bowl shape and wide lip to rest their heads on are ideal for sleepy kitties, you’ll appreciate the removable and machine-washable fleece liner for easy cleaning. It doesn’t get any better than this! Click here to try it out. At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!
How to Help Your Kitten Get Enough Sleep

Helping your sleepless kitten sleep better is essential for their continuing growth and well-being. It’s important to keep in mind that sleeping often is normal for kittens; therefore, if your kitten is not sleeping, your first action should be to contact your veterinarian for their input.
If your veterinarian gives your cat a clean bill of health, the following tips can help.
- Provide your kitty with a warm, safe, comfortable, and private sleeping space to help them sleep more deeply.
- Ensure your kitten is well-fed. Kittens do best with multiple small meals per day.
- Ensure that you interact with your kitten often. Socialization and interaction are not only crucial for proper development but also play a role in exercising your cat’s mind and helping them curb boredom. A well-contended kitten is more likely to sleep normally than a stressed kitten.
- Keep your expectations realistic. It’s not normal for a kitten to sleep soundly through the night for 8 hours. Just because your kitten wakes up in the middle of the night to play around doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with them.
Kittens are bundles of furry, cuddly joy, but they sleep more than 90% of the time early on in their lives. They need every wink they can get to continue growing up happy and healthy, which makes sleep an important consideration early and later in life.
Featured Image Credit: super-mapio, Pixabay